Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Author : Ishikawa, Yoichi
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : chronologically (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Ishikawa, YoichiMonteverdi to Bach. BachZenshu 2 Apr 1997 54-65
2. Ishikawa, Yoichi[Kantata Dai-44-Ban - Dai-46-Ban; Dai-70-Ban - Dai-78-Ban] BachZenshu 2 Apr 1997 250-261, 294-297 [36-39, 72-83]
3. Ishikawa, Yoichi[Kantata Dai-130-Ban - Dai-148-Ban] BachZenshu 4 Oct 1998 281-299 [50-68]
4. Ishikawa, YoichiShukyoteki riito 'Schemelli kakyokushu' BWV 439-507 yori. BachZenshu 8 Jan 1998 228-230 [59-61]
5. Ishikawa, YoichiKurisumasu Oratorio BWV 248. BachZenshu 8 Jan 1998 245-251 [38-44]
6. Ishikawa, YoichiMühlhausen Izen no Bach. Dai-1-Ji Weimar Jidai. Dai-2-Ji Weimar Jidai. BachZenshu 15 Jul 1999 276-280 [85-89]
7. Ishikawa, YoichiIchizoku no Dento o tsutaeru Sakuhingun. BachZenshu 15 Jul 1999 281-285 [80-84]
8. Ishikawa, YoichiBCJ Creators. Dai-12-Kai: Charles Toet (trombone). BCJ 75 Feb 2007 28-33
9. Ishikawa, YoichiBCJ Creators. Dai-16-Kai: Robert Howes (timpani). BCJ 90 Sep 2010 34-41

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BachBib Search Engine 1ct Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita